Latest Articles on Partnerships

Why the U.S. Is Considered Dangerous for Foreign Travelers

NYC’s Grand Central Seasoned American travelers often look to the Department of State for advisories about everything from natural disasters to labor strikes in unfamiliar places. But what hazards are foreign governments warning their own travelers about when it comes to visiting the States? Recently, the U.S. has warranted an array of cautions for foreign…

The Scary New ATM Scam That’s Targeting Travelers

Photo Credit: Nicholas Boos Almost all of you know how easy it is to avoid the fees on foreign credit card charges. Most big banks now issue at least one no-foreign-fee version of their cards, especially those that target travelers. But when you travel outside the U.S., you still face two significant exchange gotchas that…

How to Make the Most of Your Limited Vacation Days

Relaxing poolside at Lilium Villas Santorini You need a vacation. But when you have limited time off, there’s a lot of pressure to do it right—so much pressure that many Americans skip out on vacation altogether, leaving precious paid time off unused. But time off is good for you, good for those around you, and…

Are You Traveling Like Everyone Else Is This Summer?

The Leela Palace New Delhi Still haven’t booked a vacation, or curious about what other travelers are doing this summer? Synchrony Financial put together some initial data together on summer 2016’s travel forecast that might help. With low gas prices, more and more Americans are hitting the road and utilizing their vacation days. Here’s how…

9 Stunning Coastlines You May Not Even Know About

Need some inspiration for a scenic bay to explore or a coastal drive set out on this summer? There are plenty to choose from, but only a small slice of them are as dreamy as these ones. From Nova Scotia to Tanzania, here’s where to head for the crystal clear waters, plummeting cliffs, and far-reaching…

Is Global Entry Worth It? Or Is TSA PreCheck Better?

If you travel more than a few times per year, you’re likely wasting a lot of your precious time in security lines. With TSA wait times on the rise, and no easy solution in sight, TSA PreCheck—the paid program that gives passengers a fast track through security—looks like an increasingly wise investment. But don’t get…

7 Gross Things You Do When You Travel

We all have such good intentions when we’re traveling. We’ll practically bathe in hand sanitizer after braving the airplane bathroom and always wash our hands before we eat. But there are some common things that many travelers do to inadvertently sabotage their health. Once you’ve read the disgusting details about these seemingly innocuous activities, we’re…

How to Avoid Long Waits at the Airport

Photo Credit: Mike Knell (image cropped) The TSA has been in the news lately, and not for a good reason. As you may have noticed, the security lines at most major U.S. airports are ridiculously long — so long that many people are actually missing flights despite arriving at the airport within the typical two-hour…