Articles Mentioning Majorca (Mallorca) Hotels

A Guide to the Balearic Islands: Which One Is Right for You?

While many tourists are steering clear of once-popular destinations due to safety concerns, Spain — and namely, its Balearic Islands — is one place that has reaped the benefits with a surge in bookings. But with four main islands — each with its own distinct character, features, and foibles — it’s tough to know which…

Top European Beaches Only Accessible by Boat

Europe certainly does not lack spectacular coastlines, but with so much of it jam-packed in high season, finding an elusive corner of empty beach can make you feel like you’ve won the vacation lottery. One way to increase your chances of discovering a tranquil stretch of sand (or pebbles) is to aim for a beach…

5 alternative Reiseziele zu Mallorca

Mallorca, schon seit Jahrzehnten bei deutschen Reisenden sehr beliebt, platzt inzwischen aus allen Nähten – 2015 waren es schon 10 Millionen Touristen, fast die Hälfte davon Deutsche. In diesem Jahr sind es laut Schätzungen noch mehr, da viele Reisende in Europa bleiben wollen. Aber zum Glück gibt es ja nicht nur Mallorca. So schön die…

Die besten Reiseziele für einen besonderen Sommerurlaub

Die heiß ersehnte Urlaubszeit naht und nun stellt sich wieder die Frage: Wohin soll es diesmal gehen? Auf der Suche nach besonders neuen und exotischen Reisezielen verliert man sich schnell im Labyrinth der Angebote und Meinungen. Doch muss man wirklich einen Ort erkunden, von dem man noch nicht einmal den Namen richtig aussprechen kann? Ist…

8 Amazing Travel Adventures You Can Only Experience in the Winter

Are you brave enough for #4? Photo courtesy of Marcel Ekkel. There are facts that most residents of the Northern Hemisphere must simply accept — first and foremost among them is the existence of winter. Once the glow of the holidays fades, January and February bring polar vortexes, skin-whipping wind chills, frost-bitten extremities, cars that…

6 Hotel Rooms That Are Definitely Worth the Upgrade

If you’ve ever been on the phone with a hotel reservationist (you know, like back in 1999) or have dealt with the sales pitch people at mega-resorts, you’re probably in the group of people who turn down a hotel room upgrade no questions asked — and understandably so. More often than not, these “upgrades” involve…

15 Indoor Pools to Cure Your Winter Blues

Indoor pools get a bad rap. Most of the time we envision them as dark and smelling of chlorine — a combination that almost guarantees claustrophobia. But with this seemingly never-ending winter weather, we were inspired to look indoors for a dip. Much to our surprise, we found 15 luxurious indoor hotel pools that have…