868 Park Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, United States |(937) 315-4602
1/313View all images
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Hotel & Amenities Photos
Featured Image
1/1View all images
Deluxe Two Queen Guestroom
1/27View all images
Superior Queen Guestroom
1/31View all images
Superior King Guestrooom
1/36View all images
The Hotel
1/71View all images
King Edward Suite
1/30View all images
Wallis Simpson Suite
1/27View all images
Accessible Superior King Guestrooom
1/35View all images
Deluxe King Guestroom
1/32View all images
Restaurants and Bars
1/23View all images
868 Park Ave, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
See map
Air Conditioner
Free Breakfast
Pets Allowed
Disclaimer: This content was accurate at the time the hotel was
reviewed. Please check our partner sites when booking to verify
that details are still correct.