Latest Articles on northern lights

8 Unexpected Places to See the Northern Lights

The spectacular Northern Lights are a popular bucket list item — and rightfully so. But there is one downside to scouting them out: seeing the natural light show often means journeying to distant, often isolated, locales. The further north you go, the higher your chances of witnessing the Aurora Borealis get, but there are plenty…

7 Manmade and Natural Attractions to Visit Before They Vanish

We love travel and adventure, but being a globally-minded citizen means recognizing when the things we love are disappearing. From grand glaciers in Montana to penguins on the Galapagos Islands, some of the world’s treasures may not be here past our lifetime thanks to climate change and other factors. We can do our part to…

The Best Time to Visit Iceland: A Guide for Every Season

Iceland doesn’t exactly have one perfect season to visit. While the island country is temperate in the summer and fairly cold in winter, the weather can be unpredictable. That being said, travelers deciding on the best time to go should consider what they’re hoping to do and see. Want to ride horses with Fabio-style manes…