Articles Mentioning Hawaii Hotels

Potentially Deadly Luxury Vacations

We already shared the scoop on vacations that could maybe, kinda kill you, but we have a brand-new batch of spots that practically scream danger. And while not typical of a “relaxing vacay,” these retreats are sure to get your adrenaline pumping. Catch up on your thrills by visiting one of these terrifying (but beautiful!)…

Vacations That Could (Maybe, Kind Of) Kill You

Consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? Feel the need for speed? Well, you’re definitely not alone — and lots of folks seek their thrills out when traveling or on vacation (because flying on a trapeze is way cooler when you’re 3,000 miles away from home ). Before you sign your life away on one of these…

The Top 10 Kitschy, Cool Hotel Bars

You may have gotten over themed spots after your tenth birthday party (um, hello, Princess Tea Party Fest), but they’re actually great for some old-fashioned adult fun, too. Hotels across the world have fabulously themed bars that run the gamut from classy to trashy. So we’ve shuffled through the clutter to find the top 10…

Experience Life Like Characters in 2012 Oscar-Nominated Films

We’ve been counting down the seconds to the 84th Academy Awards since the nominees were announced last month. And now that the big day is less than a week away, we’re beside ourselves with excitement. We can list off all the nominees — and even make a few well-educated predictions. But if you haven’t been…

Top 5 Hotels for Distracting a Needy Girlfriend

Couples getaways can be great. But, unfortunately, they can feel more like a job if you’re bringing a needy girlfriend along. No judgement here; we get that you love your girlfriend, but a few hours of peace and quiet will allow you to fully soak up the benefits of a vacation. This is where we,…

Your Grown-Up Christmas Wish List (For Your Inner Kid)

You were always a good kid — especially around Christmas time — so Santa rewarded you with gifts from your wish list: the coveted doll, the electric train, the drum set, you name it! But what of those items you asked for that didn’t make it under the tree? Your parents had promised that Santa…