Articles Mentioning Arizona Hotels

Foto Friday: Choose Your Adventure!

The dry desert air may not be for everyone. Then again, neither are humid, tropical climates. While the desert offers its own exciting adventures (gorgeous sand landscapes and an array of impressive creatures, anyone) tropical getaways boast lush greenery and exotic wildlife all of its own. So which one would you prefer — a Desert…

Forget Brunch: 5 Unique Ideas for a Mother’s Day Celebration

It happens every year — suddenly it’s May and you have no idea what to do for Mother’s Day. Again. Brunch is handy and easy, and you know she will appreciate you spending some time with her. But how about you surprise her with something different this year? Whether she’s outdoorsy, artsy or just downright…

Before the Inauguration: Obama’s Favorite Hotels

In honor of President Obama’s inauguration on Monday, we’re taking a look back at his travels over his last four years in office — and on the campaign trail. The Commander-In-Chief has laid his head in some of our favorite hotels around the globe and, thanks to his refined taste and seriously swanky style (although…

15 of the Best Luxury Hotels in the U.S.

Who hasn’t dreamed of traveling like royalty, sleeping in some of the world’s most expensive suites, and eating in Michelin-starred restaurants? The time and money for that kind of trip can be tricky to come by, but it’s always good to be ready just in case the opportunity arises, right? We here at Oyster have…

11 Things We Love About Hotels

As the Hotel-Tell All, Oyster is very well-traveled when it comes to hotels. We’ve seen it all — the good, the bad, and the ugly. So around this time last year, we came up with a list of 11 things we hate about hotels. And trust us, we really hate them (don’t even get us…