Latest Articles on Partnerships

11 Photos You Should Absolutely Not Take While on Vacation

Photo: Flat Lay of Travel Items via Shutterstock We’re all guilty of taking a touristy photograph here and there. But certain photographic cliches are tiring to look at and to take. How much time do you actually want to waste getting the perfect shot of you holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Your snaps…

The 8 Most Extravagant Airports in the World Go Way Over the Top

Photo: Thinkstock/iStock Exploring a new city on a long layover is the perfect way to squeeze another destination into your trip. But it’s a science that’s difficult to perfect without ample time to roam around — so why not make an amazing airport your bonus destination? Spending hours in a terminal won’t give you cabin…

5 Facts About Budget Airlines You Should Know

Would you buy a seat on a discounted flight — one with no food, entertainment, or baggage allowance — to save potentially hundreds of dollars? In an era of one-way transatlantic fares selling for as little as $99 on Wow Air and domestic flights selling for under $20 from Spirit and Frontier, more and more…

Why These 7 Colors Are Super Important in Some Countries

Photo: Thinkstock/iStock Colors play an important role in our lives. They can remind us of a place, a time of year, or our favorite traditions, and can also shape the way we feel. But when it comes to what different colors symbolize in cultures around the world, these associations can vary greatly. Read on for…

6 Volunteer Trips That Will Change Your Life in 2016

Photo: Projects Abroad If you’re looking to travel, learn new skills, and contribute to a meaningful cause in the New Year, consider a volunteer trip where you can do all three. Volunteer vacations offer deep insight into new cultures, unforgettable bonding experiences, and the chance to experience your passion(s) in bucket list-worthy destinations. From rescuing…

5 Ways That Travel in 2016 Is Going to Be Rough

The big travel news in 2016 is likely to follow a few main themes. I talk about “themes” rather than “stories,” because instead of blockbuster announcements, you’re more likely to see ongoing developments throughout the year—new approaches to old problems, and new fights over new problems. It may not be a great year for travelers,…

The Most Bizarre Travel Stories from 2015

(Photo: Man Reading News on Cellphone via Shutterstock) From poopy planes to robot hotels to divine resurrections in Mexico, 2015 had its fair share of wild travel stories. Here are the most surprising, creepy, and occasionally disgusting stories you may have missed this year.