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7 Tourist-Free Spots in San Diego Worth a Visit

San Diego is big and beautiful — and, we’d argue, should be on everyone’s list of U.S. trips. But it can also be crowded and a little chaotic in certain places. So whether you’re a first timer, or you’ve seen all the obvious spots and are looking for a fresh perspective on San Diego, you…

4 Amazing Things to Do in Tasmania: The Down Under You Don’t Know

Overland Track image courtesy of Grace Wye. It can be hard to shake a reputation — take Tasmania, for instance. In the United States, the island’s name generally conjures up images of a cyclonic cartoon character, while mainland Australians generally refer to it with a bit of hesitation: “Sure it’s pretty, but…” Let’s get one…

5 Epic Pilgrimage Walks Around the World

While tourism as we know it today is a relatively new concept, travelers around the world have been undertaking walking pilgrimages for millennia. In fact, going on pilgrimage was the often the only opportunity people ever had to leave their native villages. Though pilgrimage walks have traditionally had religious or spiritual associations, the modern pilgrim…

What to Do in Amsterdam This Summer

Amina Tagemouati via Flickr With a reputation as a liberal, cultured, party city, Amsterdam is naturally a hit with vacationers all year round. But with an abundance of beautiful squares, sweet cobbled streets, picturesque canals and a rather huge obsession with cycling; the Dutch city is a city best experienced during the summer. When it…

11 Brooklyn-esque Neighborhoods in Cities You Wouldn’t Expect

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Javi Sánchez de la viña Over the years, Brooklyn has become internationally synonymous with all things cool. Just ask the Parisians, who dub anything with a hipster flare as “très Brooklyn.” But even though the New York City borough offers plenty of unique, diverse, and culturally enlightening neighborhoods of its own, there…

Why Eurovision Is Everything Right with the World

Photo by Andres Putting As I was packing for my recent trip to Europe, I felt something I’d never felt before — fear. The news earlier this year had been absolutely bleak. Following the heartbreaking terrorist attacks in Paris, a second wave of attacks had hit Belgium, including a bomb at a Brussels’ metro station.…

The Most Offensive Places People Take Selfies

(Photo: Thinkstock/iStock) The selfie has become as ubiquitous as McDonalds — you can’t travel anywhere without seeing someone taking a selfie or flailing around with a selfie stick. Selfies can be fun and result in some of the most hilarious souvenirs from a trip, as long as you’re following selfie etiquette. But there are a…

5 Reasons England Is a Perfect Escape for Literature Lovers

It should come as no surprise that England has some of the world’s most interesting attractions for literature lovers, from birthplace museums of some of the world’s most celebrated authors to everyday spots made famous through fictional accounts. If you’re considering a literary pilgrimage across the Atlantic, make sure your itinerary includes these five destinations,…

7 Destinations Where Learning a New Language Isn’t So Difficult

While taking community college language classes and using language-learning software might give you a solid base in your foreign language of choice, if you really want to be fluent in a foreign language, your best bet is to pack up and head overseas to a country where the language is spoken. Whether you want to…