Latest Articles on Ecotourism

Plastics Are Killing Our Oceans. How Is the World Fighting Back?

edwardhblake/Flickr Picture blue skies, pristine white sand, the crashing sound of surf, and the call of a seagull overhead. The images of a perfect beach day are so engrained in our cultural consciousness that putting them in print is almost unnecessary. But unfortunately, in many parts of the world, this serene scene is quickly becoming…

A Guide to Vieques and Culebra: Puerto Rico’s Most Popular Islands

W Retreat & Spa – Vieques Island/Oyster Puerto Rico is one of the most dynamic islands in the Caribbean. The culture fuses Spanish, African, and indigenous Taino influences, while its beautiful beaches are always ready for their close-up. Nightlife is wild, dining is excellent, and the gorgeous landscapes range from arid plains to lush jungles.…

6 Eco-Educational Adventures to Bring You Closer to Mother Nature

Sure, a relaxing trip to the beach is a wonderful getaway, but many a modern traveler often seeks more from a journey. For your next adventure, consider diving into an eco-educational voyage, where you can experience the grandeur of Earth, from extraordinary wildlife to jaw-dropping geography, while learning about it from experts. If you’re looking…

The 10 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Dirty 30s Around the World

There’s something about turning 30 that feels a little complicated. It’s exciting, of course, but also a bit daunting. After all, aren’t you supposed to be an adult by now? Don’t worry, though, because we’ve got 10 great ideas for 30th birthday getaways. And no — we’re not talking about a cute dinner with your…