Articles Mentioning Florida Hotels

The Best Hotels to Rekindle Romance: Celebrity Edition

Although celeb divorces are super-frequent, we were blindsided when Heidi and Seal announced their separation. (But after seeing this picture, it’s pretty clear they haven’t been getting along.) And if that reveal wasn’t heartbreaking enough, it came on the heels of a slew of other celeb splits: Demi and Ashton, Vanessa and Kobe Bryant, Katy…

10 Sexy Hotel Bars Perfect for a First Date

If you haven’t found “the one” yet, but are planning on taking out someone new (and maybe special) this Valentine’s Day, some serious impressing is in order. Hotels exude sexiness on any given day, and these bars don’t disappoint: Each of them has its very own get-into-his-or-her-pants kind of charm. The Hotel: 60 Thompson; New…

Top 6 Last-Minute Active Getaways for the New Year

You know what New Year’s Eve means: cocktail dresses, wild parties, a midnight countdown, and just hours until your New Year’s resolutions kick in. It can be tough to start in on your new diet-and-exercise regimen — especially after a night of raucous debauchery — so we’ve come up with the top six last-minute active…

Post-Breakup Escapes: Where to Go to Get over Your Good-for-Nothing Ex

Dubbed the “turkey drop,” the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas mark a peak in break-ups across the country. Seriously, research has proven it. Were you blindsided by a “we need to talk” text from your soon-to-be-ex while you were out buying their Christmas present? Well you weren’t the only one. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore…

A Tanning Butler, Anyone? Luxury Services Designed For The 1%

These hotels clearly had the one percent in mind when they designed the decadent services below. Read on for a voyeuristic peek into the lives of the people that the 99% loves to hate. (We’ll give you a hint: It sometimes involves butlers whose sole job is rubbing on sunscreen).

The Perfect Spa for Finding Your Inner Zen

Who doesn’t love a spa day? We know how nice it is to put your feet up and be pampered for a day — or for an entire vacation! But we also know that not all spas are for everyone. Maybe you want a one-with-nature, rustic experience or perhaps glitz and glam is more your…