Articles Mentioning Hawaii Hotels

11 Streets Around the World With the Most Dazzling Holiday Lights

If you’re starting to feel the winter blues, it’s time to hit the streets for a dose of holiday cheer. Sure, the daylight hours might be dwindling in the northern hemisphere, but many cities around the world are making up for that lack of sunshine with dazzling holiday light displays. From neon lily pads in…

Top Experts Share Where to Travel in December

We recently shared the best places to travel in November, but just in case you dropped the ball on booking a trip (we know, we know, you’re busy), you still have some time to squeeze in a vacation before the year closes out. After all, with the holidays and New Year’s just around the bend,…

10 Historic U.S. Attractions You Have to Visit

The United States 2016 presidential election is (finally) over and while many citizens are looking toward the future, we’re actually interested in the past. America may not have as storied an existence as Europe or Asia, but there are still hundreds of landmarks and sites around the nation that are worthy of visiting. From man-made…

5 Destinations in the U.S. That Are Perfect for a Babymoon This Winter

According to the American Express Spending & Saving Tracker, 37 percent of consumers with children 12 and under were considering or had already taken a babymoon in 2013. For affluent consumers, more than half of them (53 percent) were planning to take a “pre- or -post-baby getaway.” ICYMI, babymooning is a relaxing, romantic vacation taken…

7 Overrated Attractions in the U.S. (Plus, Where to Go Instead)

American vacations often center around open roads, national parks, big cities, or coastal settings, but the particulars within each of these categories can make or break a trip. So we wondered, how can we avoid wasting precious travel time on overrated attractions? To help, we turned to some trusted U.S. travel experts. While we’ve put…

Hotels That Will Help You Escape the 2016 Presidential Election

While the temps are starting to cool down around the country, the political climate only seems to be getting more heated. This year’s presidential election — and its whirlwind of jaw-dropping headlines, dramatic debates, dizzying poll data, and barrage of scandals and controversies — has been stressful, to say the least. At every turn —… Editors Share Their Biggest Travel Disasters

You’ve made your plans, booked your trip, and set off on what should be a highlight reel of gorgeous sunsets, memorable meals, and great company. And then — disaster strikes: Your wallet gets nabbed; your car breaks down; or you’re checking into the ER instead of the hotel. This is why the gut-punch of a…

The Most Spectacular Canyons Around the U.S.

From sea to shining sea, there’s no shortage of spectacular sights to see. In addition to beautiful beaches, lush national parks, and epic waterfalls, the U.S. also boasts an incredible array of canyons. In technical terms, a canyon is a deep gorge that typically has a river flowing between it. In terms of wanderlust, a…

The Best Time to Visit Hawaii: A Guide for Every Season

Let’s be honest: There’s never a bad time to visit Hawaii, but different seasons bring different activities and perks. In Hawaii, seasons are designated by the rain and wind — winter means bigger surf on the north side of Oahu but more rain through the island, while summer swells rise up on the south shore…

Top 6 Places to Go Camping This Fall

After Labor Day weekend, the crowds at campsites across the country tend to die down, the mosquitos depart, and the colorful fall foliage and autumn wildlife arrive. In other words, fall is an ideal time for hitting the great outdoors and camping. The weather is warm enough for enjoying hikes and bike rides during the…