Articles Mentioning New York City Hotels

The World’s Most Instagrammed Cities of 2016

As we near the end of 2016, it’s time to look back at some of the world’s favorite travel destinations of the year. To kick off the reflection period, we took to Instagram. After all, if you went on vacation and didn’t Instagram it, did you even go? With over 500 million active users, the…

11 Streets Around the World With the Most Dazzling Holiday Lights

If you’re starting to feel the winter blues, it’s time to hit the streets for a dose of holiday cheer. Sure, the daylight hours might be dwindling in the northern hemisphere, but many cities around the world are making up for that lack of sunshine with dazzling holiday light displays. From neon lily pads in…

Tour the Holiday Window Displays on New York City’s Fifth Avenue

Call us cliché, but New York City is one of the most magical places to spend the holidays. There’s the Rockefeller Center ice skating rink and famed Christmas tree, pop-up holiday market in Union Square, trees that are dripping in twinkling lights, and of course, the spectacular Fifth Avenue holiday window displays. The catch? With…

14 Destinations Around the World That Donald Trump Has Visited

Donald Trump, businessman, former reality TV show host, and now President-elect, is also (not surprisingly) a seasoned jet-setter. After all, he does possess his very own plane. According to Time Magazine, Trump’s two planes flew a total of 504,316 miles between January 2011 and April 2015 alone. To put things in perspective, that’s the equivalent…

The World’s Most Majestic Churches and Chapels

Whatever your thoughts on religion may be, there’s no denying that some churches around the world are feats of architecture. Some, like Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, are gloriously ostentatious, while others, like Paoay Church in the Philippines, are stunningly humble. All, however, stand out for their beauty. Here, we handpicked nine of the world’s…

8 Amazingly Quirky Budget-Friendly Hotel Chains

The words hotel chain might conjure images of lackluster decor, outdated carpeting, and unpalatable, uninspired food. And while many budget chain properties undoubtedly fall under that umbrella, others are quirky and cool, with hip amenities, affordable prices, and chic details that are worthy of a spot on your Instagram feed. Ahead, we bring you eight…

Top Experts Share Where to Travel in December

We recently shared the best places to travel in November, but just in case you dropped the ball on booking a trip (we know, we know, you’re busy), you still have some time to squeeze in a vacation before the year closes out. After all, with the holidays and New Year’s just around the bend,…

10 Historic U.S. Attractions You Have to Visit

The United States 2016 presidential election is (finally) over and while many citizens are looking toward the future, we’re actually interested in the past. America may not have as storied an existence as Europe or Asia, but there are still hundreds of landmarks and sites around the nation that are worthy of visiting. From man-made…

The 10 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Dirty 30s Around the World

There’s something about turning 30 that feels a little complicated. It’s exciting, of course, but also a bit daunting. After all, aren’t you supposed to be an adult by now? Don’t worry, though, because we’ve got 10 great ideas for 30th birthday getaways. And no — we’re not talking about a cute dinner with your…