Latest Articles on Honeymoon

The Most Horrifying Honeymoon Disasters EVER

In those old black-and-white romantic comedies, a groom carries his bride over the threshold and off to their honeymoon, which is filled with Champagne, lingerie, and lots of romance and intimacy. In reality, however, that romantic comedy version of a honeymoon can resemble something of a sitcom tragedy, particularly when your mother-in-law unexpectedly shows up…

Beach Honeymoon Face-Off: Mexico vs. Caribbean

With an estimated number of 1.4 million U.S. couples honeymooning per year, competition among destinations is fierce. That being said, there are still two major players — Mexico and the Caribbean — that dominate the market. According to statistics, around nine percent of couples head for the Caribbean islands and 15 percent opt for Mexico.…

7 Times It’s Worth Using a Travel Agent

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Mark Doliner In an age when booking a vacation online can be done in the same amount of time it takes to order a used copy of “The Girl on the Train,” you would be right in assuming that using a travel agent is a thing of the past. Many sites, like…

Where Couples Honeymooned in the 1950s Might Surprise You

The word “honeymoon” conjures up images of a romantic getaway a deux, created for lovebirds who have just tied the knot and are ready to enjoy some time one-on-one. But that wasn’t always the case. Though it was first coined back in the 16th century, honeymoon took on (a version of) its current meaning in…

8 Adventurous Honeymoons for Active Couples

There are those who prefer to laze around on a beach while sipping on frozen cocktails and then there are those who like their romance with a side of adrenaline-pumping adventure. If you fall into the latter category, read on. According to a recent report, only one in four newlywed couples take their dream honeymoon.…

5 Unerwartet Romantische Städte Europas

Foto: Flickr/Fred PO Auf der Suche nach einem Reiseziel für einen Städtetrip mit seiner/seinem Liebsten, denkt man sofort an Paris, “die Stadt der Liebe” oder Venedig “la Serenissima.” Diese zwei Städte sind von keiner Ranking-Liste der “romantischsten Orte” wegzudenken – und das nicht ohne Grund! Für einen romantischen Städtetrip zu zweit braucht man das ganz…

4 Amazing Honeymoons Under $5,000

Amidst the craziness of wedding planning, it’s easy for couples to go a little overboard on spending, especially when it comes to the honeymoon. On average, Americans are known to shell out almost $30,000 on a traditional wedding — and approximately $4,183 on a honeymoon. To help keep you in check, we’ve compiled four stellar…

The 7 Most Expensive Honeymoon Destinations in the World

A Bride at Millbrook Cottages Okay, so we put a lot of time, thought, and money into our travel plans. After all, as we infamously say, You can’t return a bad vacation. It’s true! And no time does this ring more true than when your honeymoon is on the line — you really don’t want…

9 Awesome Honeymoon Trips No One Takes

There isn’t a more exciting time to get away with your special someone than post nuptials. If your wedding is coming up, maybe you’re dreaming about escaping to the flawless, white-sand beaches of the Caribbean, Thailand, or even Greece. We understand; we love the idea of a sunny, tropical, relaxing honeymoon as much as the…

The 6 Best Spots to Elope

There are a lot of perks to a quick weekend elopement — no stressful planning, no weird cousins in attendance, no massive checks to hand over… So we rounded up six diverse destinations that make it easy for couples to combine their private “I dos” with a romantic weekend hotel stay. All you have to…