Articles Mentioning Cyclades Hotels

The Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe

After months — or even years — of organizing, stressing, and saving for a wedding, couples finally get to kick back and relax during their honeymoon. In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 1.4 million honeymooners per year, and in the last five years, 75 percent of newlyweds opted for vacations in the U.S.…

Our 17 Favorite Spa Resorts Around the World

Modern life involves traveling often and for all sorts of reasons. This year alone, you might have a big family get-together in another state, an annual ski trip with college buddies, and a cousin’s wedding halfway across the country. Here at Oyster, we embrace just about any excuse to hit the road, but what really…

Top European Destinations to Visit in the Summer

There’s something so romantic about Paris in the spring, when the winter clouds disappear, the gardens begin to bloom, and the sun-kissed streets fill up with tourists and locals in sidewalk cafes. Prague, on the other hand, oozes with charm in the wintertime, with its picturesque Christmas markets, twinkling lights, and snow-capped castles. Then there’s…

Your Perfect Island Vacation: The Best Islands to Visit Around the Globe

There’s something special about going to an island for vacation. Maybe it’s the (very minor) chance that unexpected circumstances will strand you in paradise or maybe it’s just the idea of being completely surrounded by water that leads to a real get-away-from-it-all vibe. Whatever the reason, we’re definitely pro-island vacation. Read on for our picks…

10 Wonderful Uncrowded Summer Destinations

Summer is not very far away, and many travelers are making plans for their vacations. With temperatures rising, beaches, oceans, and islands call to travelers who want a place to relax and cool off. But there are likely hundreds — if not thousands — of people looking to do the same, and you might end…

Best Babymoon Destinations for 2017

Plenty has been written about what to expect when you’re expecting. Stress levels may go up during this time, which is one reason why the babymoon trend seems to show no signs of dipping in popularity. In a 2016 poll, 56 percent of expectant couples said they had either been on a babymoon or were…

The Most Charming Villages in Europe

Given Europe’s high concentration of gorgeous big cities and world-class art museums, it’s easy to completely overlook the continent’s abundance of small, quaint villages and townships. However, if you’re after relaxation, peaceful country walks, beautiful architecture, and opportunities for cultural immersion on your next trip across the pond, consider cutting down some of your city…

15 Hotels With Iconic Views for $150 or Less a Night

If there’s one thing that we’ve learned in our travels, it’s that you don’t have to be a real estate tycoon to enjoy million-dollar views. Yes, your money will go further in some places than others, but some of the world’s most iconic vistas are available for a relatively budget-friendly price tag of $150 or…

The Top Destinations for Island Hopping

There’s something very glamorous and carefree about island hopping. You stay just long enough to savor the very best a destination has to offer, then pop over to the next heavenly atoll in the sea. But without proper planning, bouncing around any archipelago can be exhausting — and daunting. For starters, be realistic about how…

The 10 Best Ways to Celebrate Your Dirty 30s Around the World

There’s something about turning 30 that feels a little complicated. It’s exciting, of course, but also a bit daunting. After all, aren’t you supposed to be an adult by now? Don’t worry, though, because we’ve got 10 great ideas for 30th birthday getaways. And no — we’re not talking about a cute dinner with your…