Articles Mentioning Cyclades Hotels

The 5 Most Inspiring Destinations in the World That You Need to Visit in 2016

The benefits of travelling are extensive — and often surprising. Travelling has been accredited with the ability to heal, educate, and expand our horizons. The feeling of inspiration many of us get after travelling is undoubtedly one of the best consequences of a trip away. Plus, after taking on baggage reclaim, navigating a foreign country,…

You Won’t Want to Bring Your Kids to These 12 Destinations

While family vacations are undoubtedly fun and bring everyone together, sometimes you want to skip the kid-friendly activities and leave the tots with grandma and grandpa. Whether you’re looking to have a romantic getaway with your significant other, or simply cut travel expenses (and annoyances? maybe we’re going too far…), there are plenty of destinations…

The 7 Most Expensive Honeymoon Destinations in the World

A Bride at Millbrook Cottages Okay, so we put a lot of time, thought, and money into our travel plans. After all, as we infamously say, You can’t return a bad vacation. It’s true! And no time does this ring more true than when your honeymoon is on the line — you really don’t want…

Win a Luxurious Mediterranean Getaway!

Summer is the worst time to be stuck in the office — but the best time to enjoy a mini-break in the Mediterranean! Especially if it’s free… That’s why we’ve teamed up with Design Hotels, Harper’s Bazaar, Shop Latitude, Violet Grey, and Smarter Travel to bring one lucky winner a trip to the beautiful island…

5 Vacations That Will Make You Live Longer

There’s no question about it: Vacations are good for your health. Studies have shown that taking time off from work can improve cardiovascular health, mental health, and sleep patterns. But while regular vacations of any kind might make you live longer, not all getaways are created equal. An all-inclusive calorie fest on the beach, for…

I Think We Can All Agree That This Water is Blue.

No one can agree on whether this dress is blue and black or white and gold, and the Internet was destroyed last night as celebrities and regular humans alike debated the topic furiously. Whether or not you are on the side of science and team #blueandblack, I think we all can agree that the water…

The 8 Most Romantic Escapes in the World

The eight hotels — whether perched on the rocking outcroppings of the Italian coast or hidden away amidst the rice fields of northern Thailand — that make this list are some of the most romantic in the world, and are the perfect places for a romantic rendezvous… with a little international flair.

You Won’t Believe These 17 Photos Are Real (But They Are)

At Oyster, we’re known for our honest, undoctored hotel photography, and in our Photo Fakeout series we’ve shown just how different from reality some marketing images can be. But we’ve also encountered plenty of hotels that were truly as beautiful as advertised. These photos we took at various hotels we’ve visited are so jaw-dropping you…