Articles Mentioning Sweden Hotels

Reisetipps für den goldenen Herbst

Der Herbst ist ohne Zweifel eine der schönsten Jahreszeiten: die Temperaturen sind angenehm, die große Sommerhitze ist vorbei, morgens zieht der Nebel über die Wiesen, später taucht die Nachmittags-Sonne die Landschaft in ein goldenes Licht, und die Bäume verfärben sich bunt. Der so genannte Indian Summer zieht viele Reisende in die Wälder. Doch wo ist…

5 Unerwartet Romantische Städte Europas

Foto: Flickr/Fred PO Auf der Suche nach einem Reiseziel für einen Städtetrip mit seiner/seinem Liebsten, denkt man sofort an Paris, “die Stadt der Liebe” oder Venedig “la Serenissima.” Diese zwei Städte sind von keiner Ranking-Liste der “romantischsten Orte” wegzudenken – und das nicht ohne Grund! Für einen romantischen Städtetrip zu zweit braucht man das ganz…

11 Brooklyn-esque Neighborhoods in Cities You Wouldn’t Expect

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Javi Sánchez de la viña Over the years, Brooklyn has become internationally synonymous with all things cool. Just ask the Parisians, who dub anything with a hipster flare as “très Brooklyn.” But even though the New York City borough offers plenty of unique, diverse, and culturally enlightening neighborhoods of its own, there…

Why Eurovision Is Everything Right with the World

Photo by Andres Putting As I was packing for my recent trip to Europe, I felt something I’d never felt before — fear. The news earlier this year had been absolutely bleak. Following the heartbreaking terrorist attacks in Paris, a second wave of attacks had hit Belgium, including a bomb at a Brussels’ metro station.…

7 of the World’s Safest Travel Destinations Right Now

Iceland is considered one of the safest countries for tourists right now. When you’re planning a vacation, safety might not necessarily be the first thing on your mind when choosing where to go. But, following the recent terrorist attacks and the instability found in previously popular vacation destinations, safety is a serious concern — not…

10 Super Cheap New Flight Routes You Need to Know About

Photo: Thinkstock/moodboard When airlines announce new service between two cities, it doesn’t just create more flight options. It also drives down airfares. This spring, new routes from major carriers like American, JetBlue, United, and Virgin America will mean big savings on service both in the U.S. and abroad. Here are the 10 routes with the…

5 Countries with Impressive Travel Benefits for Employees

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that doesn’t require employers to give their staff a minimum amount of annual leave. Though many stateside companies do offer employees paid vacation, it’s usually just about two or three weeks per year. Things are a bit different on the other side of…

Looking for a Change in 2016? The World’s Best Countries for Relocating

These days, more and more people are choosing to uproot their lives and relocate to different countries; and indeed, there are many reasons for the move. Career and financial stability is one of the most common motivating factors behind a big move; expats often cite new career paths, better job opportunities, or increased economic stability…

Looking for a Change in 2016? The 4 Best Spots for Relocating

These days, more and more people are choosing to uproot their lives and relocate to different countries; and indeed, there are many reasons for the move. Career and financial stability is one of the most common motivating factors behind a big move; expats often cite new career paths, better job opportunities, or increased economic stability…

The Hottest Destinations for 2016 Travel: Oyster Editors’ Picks

Here at Oyster, we’ve been to thousands of incredible places around the world, from the tropical jungles of Costa Rica to skyscraper-filled Dubai. And while there are some destinations that are continuously on our travel list — Paris, Miami, and Berlin (you can never go too often!) — we thought long and hard about which…