Articles Mentioning Oregon Hotels

7 Awesome American Rivers for Tubing

Photo courtesy of Flickr/dustin larimer Each summer, families and friends grab their sunscreen, snacks, and beer and head to a nearby river for a day of floating on an inner tube. For those who aren’t acquainted with this tradition, it’s called river floating or tubing — and it’s awesome. While it might not sound as…

8 Breweries Where You Can Spend the Night

Picture this: you’re at bar, it’s getting late, and the last thing you want — especially after a few rounds — is to put a pause on the fun and head home. If only you could spend the night. Do you see where we’re going with this? Though it sounds too good to be true,…

The 7 States with the Best Summer Hikes

Summer is here and plenty of people are headed off on beach vacations or tours of distant lands. If you plan to stay closer to home — but still want to soak up some sunshine (and get some exercise in the process) — check out these seven great states for hiking, along with suggested day…

The 13 Music Festivals You Have to Go to This Summer

It’s almost summer, so it’s time for music lovers to untangle their flower crowns and fringed getups and try not to freak out about music festival season. As always, these events have packed cross-category rosters; for every major crowd-pleaser, there are dozens of emerging, experimental performers. Here are the multi-day, multi-stage, soul-freeing, body-rocking, roof-raising (except,…

7 Beautiful Spots in Nature That Will Make You Feel Small

With so many of us living sedentary city lives, it’s not hard to see why — when vacation time comes around — there’s a strong desire to answer the call of Mother Nature and indulge in a little wanderlust. For some reason, though, park walks, riverside runs, and rooftop yoga (while nice) can’t quite match…

Free-Spirited Spots For Your Favorite Aquarians

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…” Our favorite astrological free spirits are celebrating their birthdays, and we couldn’t be happier for them. Possessing a deep social conscience, Aquarians are humanitarian, philanthropic, and dedicated to making the world a better place. And they do so with flair. Known for their wildly inventive and…

The Country’s Most Bizarre (But Awesome) B&Bs

What do you picture when you hear “bed-and-breakfast”? Cozy sitting rooms with fireplaces, garden grounds, four-poster beds, and floral bedspreads, right? Us, too. The term is defined in the dictionary as “a guest house or small hotel offering sleeping accommodations and a morning meal,” so it makes sense that an image of a quintessential New…

9 U.S. Drives You Have to Take in Your Lifetime

It’s so easy (or is it?) to hop on a flight these days; paid time-off is limited, and travelers want to get the most out of their vacations — which, to many, means more time spent in the destination. But we’ve all heard it before: It’s the journey that counts, not the destination. While we…

10 Off-Season Beaches You Want to Visit This Fall

Photo: Ecola State Park in Oregon via Victoria Ditkovsky/ After Labor Day, people across the country pack up their towels, stash their unfinished beach reading, and stow their beach chairs for the winter ahead. But what they don’t realize is that fall and winter are actually the best times of year to visit many beaches…

The 10 Best College Football Towns in the U.S.

While many Americans are celebrating the return of the NFL this week, others have been more excited by September’s bringing college football back. Hordes of students, alumni, and general football fans are busy spending their weekend tailgating, sporting school colors, and chanting fight songs for their favorite teams. Many locales across the United States are…